Jumaat, 9 Oktober 2015

THE THIRD WORLD – Problem and Persepectives


THE THIRD WORLD – Problem and Persepectives

Tahun : 1978 / Cetakan pertama
Pengarang - 
Hal : 165 m/s
Kondisi : Terpakai. 7/10

Kandungan :

1. The Third World in Perspective
-Alan b. Mountjoy
2. Enviromental Hazards in the Thirl World
-Michael J.Eden
3. Fertile People in Infertile Lands : The Demographic Situation
-John L. Clarke
4. Economic Planning : Paths to Development
-Colin R. Patman
5. The Rural Revolution
-David Grigg
6. Reform of Agrarian Structures in the Third World
-Keith Sutton
7. Technology and the Third World
-Howard Bowen-Jones
8. The Infrastructure Gap
-David Hilling
9. Industrialisation in the Third World
-John P. Dickenson
10. Urbanisation in the Third World
-Alan B. Mountjoy
11. Rural Development and Rural Change
-David J. Siddle
12.  Aid for Needy Nations
-W.T.W. Morgan
13. Trade Growth for Development
-David Hilling
14. Summary and Conclutions

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